Economics — articles of the week

Articles Not To Be Missed This Week

articles that you may have missed

Martin Knapp
2 min readSep 23, 2023


I read and write about Economics and Geopolitics because its my passion. My hope every time is to help people understand this crazy world of ours a little bit more. Either how to prepare more, save more, or anticipate something in advance. But I’m just one guy, I can’t cover it all.

For those interested in the wider world, I want to signpost you to some other articles I have found useful and informative over the last few days.

This article by Evan Juarez reminds me to keep the powder dry and continually save for a rainy day:

This article by Vikas Goel is a sobering reminder of the economics of life.

If you want to learn more about the impact of our economy on the planet, check out this article by Anna Mercury



Martin Knapp

I write about economics, geopolitics, and conflict. Short posts on X @GeoPoliticaMK My fiction author site: