
How To Retire At 32 Without Being a Millionaire

How I redefined retirement so I could live the life I wanted.

Martin Knapp
5 min readMar 3, 2022


I’ll never forget the day I retired. The 10th of March 2008 was the day I left a corporate job that was killing me. This year marks 14 years since that day, it hasn’t been easy, but I’ve never regretted it.

Most people think of retirement as this magical moment where all their money problems are solved and they don’t have to do anything for the rest of their days. It’s an antiquated system (due to pensions, inflation etc) and it always felt a bit like retirement is a socially acceptable moment that society bestows upon you. I didn’t want to wait for a socially acceptable time — I wanted to do something that worked for me. So I redefined what retirement meant for me. It means never taking a job or career that you don’t want to do.

Yes, there have been times I needed a job for income, but since ‘retirement day’ I have never taken a job that didn’t strike me as interesting or fun. The moment it becomes a pain in my ass, I’m out.

My motto became “done by one”. The world wastes too much time talking about work, rather than accomplishing work. I can power through an entire workday of duties in 3 or 4 hours, which most of the world seems to spend an…



Martin Knapp

I write about economics, geopolitics, and conflict. Short posts on X @GeoPoliticaMK