Politics — Russia

How Ukraine’s Fate Depends on China

China may be pulling all the strings and the world has yet to realize.

Martin Knapp
5 min readMar 21, 2022


image provided by trixabia

President Putin's army is stalling on most of its fronts. We all know that. The Ukrainians are beginning to gain ground by repurposing enemy equipment and using it to fight back. Good on them. While the West continually bolsters supplies with military aid and non-stop media coverage, Ukraine is dangerously close to becoming a proxy war between the United States and China. If that happens — Ukraine may become the biggest protracted war Europe has ever seen. There are two symptoms behind this, the function of the Russian Army, and Chinese involvement.

How the Russian Army Works

Those of us in the west are used to a volunteer army. Whether you live in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., or even France — joining the military can be a positive career move (Former US Army myself). It leads a lot of places, and for the most part, is well respected throughout society. However, in Russia joining the military might be your only real career move, especially in Eastern Russia where jobs can be difficult to come by.

Getting paid in the Russian army may or may not happen. Mor importantly, not everyone is a volunteer, especially during…



Martin Knapp

I write about economics, geopolitics, and conflict. Short posts on X @GeoPoliticaMK My fiction author site: https://www.edwardgye.com/