War & Diplomacy — resource wars

Why Resource Wars are Inevitable As We Collapse

Water, Agriculture & Environmental security will become conflicts

Martin Knapp
5 min readJan 27, 2023


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There have always been wars over resources. It usually comes in the form of a land grab by an aggressor who doesn’t have access to a resource that some other state does. So what’s new?

The difference… exhaustion.

Resource wars are where an aggressor strikes out at others because they’ve exhausted a particular resource they used to have, or they know their target population has limitations on said resource. To put it another way…

Traditional conflict such as imperialism goes something like:
“I want this, I’m going to take it from you”.

A resource war is:
“I used to have access to this and have used it all up, so I’m willing to risk more than you are to get it back.”

It might involve taking directly from another, or, a resource war may appear like two outside actors competing for the same resource that a third party has.

Everyone is accustomed to crude oil being a motivator of conflict. Though when it comes to resource wars you need to think



Martin Knapp

I write about economics, geopolitics, and conflict. Short posts on X @GeoPoliticaMK My fiction author site: https://www.edwardgye.com/